twenty pounds of ice
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along the way...
just in case...
                               twenty pounds of ice...

...on occasion, a rodeoclown/bullfighter has the opportunity to intervene in a not-so-pleasant moment...the bullride has been completed...the bullrider is no longer on the back of the bull but is now on the ground, scrambling to get away from a ton-or-so of supercharged hamburger that is seeking to make mincemeat of the maniac that moments before was straddling his back...it is at this moment that the bullfighter steps in to offer protection to the cowboy by drawing the attention of the bull to himself and away from the face-down-in-the-dirt rider...every so often, as the bull obliges the desire of the bullfighter and turns his angry attention toward him, the bullfighter pays the price...and, as they say in the business, "takes-a-hookin"...which, in reality, is just an interesting way to articulate that the bullfighter has either been run-over, stomped, gored, kicked, mauled, mashed, knocked unconscious or a combination of any of the aforementioned traumas... :)
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